When I say a Fearlessly Feminine Session is for everyone, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. You’re never again going to be the you, you are today. As women we ebb we flow but all of the you’s are SO worthy of recognition.
Have you seen Martha Stewart’s sports-illustrated cover? It’s so glam, so timeless. Miss S cited her as the inspiration for her shoot. Saying “Well if Martha can do it, well then so can I!”
Take it from Martha herself and this fabulous woman celebrating her 80th birthday, every version of you is worthy of so much celebration, fun and freedom. What’s stopping you from saying yes to being the main character in your own life? Because if this lovely lady taught me anything, it’s how much joy it brings to just “do you”.

Why did you choose to do a Fearlessly Feminine shoot?
I’ve had several “Decade Birthday Shoots” and I was looking for someone in our area this time rather than traveling to another city. I looked at the pictures from previous shoots and was … well a little nervous … because I’m 80 and didn’t want photographs that were too revealing.
I saw Martha Stewarts swimsuit photos and thought I can do this for my private photograph for my husband who is 88! After talking to Alisha and Lindsay they confirmed I could have the photos to be very tasteful and elegant… for my age group.

How did your session with FF make you feel?
I felt cared about! The stylist, Lindsay and Alisha’s photography skills were just fabulous. I never felt awkward.

What was your favorite part of the experience?
I loved the all white everything and the “cool” ambiance of the rooms. The house is lovely and comfortable. Alisha is wonderful and Lindsay is wonderful too. The stylist provided just the right makeup and perfect hair as I sipped an adult beverage.

Would you do another Fearlessly Feminine shoot?
Maybe… it would be so fun to come see the group for my 90th Birthday Shoot, right? Or maybe with my daughters or my husband.

Would you recommend a session like this to anyone else? If so, who?
Absolutely. I’ve told many of my friends to document their decade changes by professional photographs. Life is to be cherished at all ages. I also believe our loved ones appreciate a photo for memory. Not every “snap” on an iPhone is a perfect picture.

What did you do to prepare for the shoot?
Several weeks of planned facials and skin care, more than usual and I’m a big skin care person. Also carefully thinking about what look I wanted overall. I choose elegant and tasteful and Alisha complied. Even my swimsuit shot was what I wanted.

What image was your favorite?
I really like the images in my evening gown but the swimsuits are a close second!

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