This lovely lady was all about the sweet and simple. Her long blonde locks paired perfectly with her baby blue lace bodysuit and her in the sheets images were jaw-droppingly gorgeous.
She choose our glass folio box, which is one of my personal favorite products. It integrates perfectly into your bedroom decor, and is meant to be a constant reminder of self-love.
In her initial questionnaire she mentioned a desire to love her body, embrace all the complexities that come with the combination of motherhood/body positivity and renew her confidence. Reading it made me feel seen in my postpartum journey and I know so many women that feel the same way.
Nothing makes me feel prouder than when a woman allows us to share her images, for me it means that she loves the photos enough to send them into the world, desires to share her beauty with the world and make other women that look, feel and resonate with her, feel seen. Existing in this space with all of you is so so beautiful.
Miss S, thank you for trusting us with your boudoir experience and your willingness to share your images. It was such a joy working with you!

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