I’ve been so excited to share this blog with you! This stunning babe had her session a little less than a year ago, and we’re thrilled to finally reveal the beautiful results. We captured all of her bridal photos, and she was truly in her element. She wanted to create a cherished wedding gift for […]
Delicately dip your toes into the brisk stream, watch the sunlight dance amidst trees, revel in the scent after a summer rain and feel grounded with the earth beneath your feet. Our I am Wild Featured Series captivates. Fearlessly Feminine enthusiasts know nature and nudity birth beautiful art. Curious about adding our I am Wild […]
April 16th marks a monumental milestone in my journey—not just as a boudoir photographer but as the creator of Fearlessly Feminine. It’s been exactly ten years since I penned my first blog post. Back then, the idea of starting this venture filled me with nerves, yet every step that pushed me out of my comfort […]
How are all of you coping with this insane virus? On the bright side, it’s really freed up some time for blog content creation I’ve been neglecting and given me the time to slow down and enjoy the fresh air! Today I’m throwing it back to one of my very favorite model call shoots at The Loft on 6th. The bathtub is epic and three bedrooms are ALL idea for creating glorious content. I’m dreaming of sunshiny days and creating new images in our Evansville and Durham studios!
Miss C had a session on the books for March (she’s on her third session actually!) but we ended up needing to reschedule due to COVid-19 safety measures. SO SAD! But we have another plan together and i’ll be honest I think it’s going to be even better than the first plan! SO pumped to get some extra time to plan and work on the new studio! We might even be doing some in the woods!!
I’ll be honest, I just didn’t know any better. At the time I thought keeping silent would hurt less than recounting aloud the graphic details that still haunt me. The first time I remember feeling violated I couldn’t have been more than nine. The bulk of the abuse happened when I was in high school, barely sixteen. He was over twice my age. I was abused by a family member, someone I loved. It was extremely difficult for me to separate the abuse from the grooming I experienced for years. I love his kids and his wife. I felt like it was my fault. I didn’t know who to tell. I was unimaginably ashamed. I was afraid my family would hate me. Not being believed, scared me. Going through a trial, petrified me. I felt alone and not supported.
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