I get lots of questions from clients about what they should wear for their sessions and with all the options out there I understand how it can be overwhelming. This will be the first post of many on this topic so I figured we’d start with lots of black options for all different body types. I want all my clients to wear what they love and choose things that make them feel beautiful! But, Its really important to dress for your body type. Know the areas you love about yourself and highlight them!
I love beautiful sheer robes with nothing on underneath! They look great in front of a sunny windows. Shape-wear that hugs all your curves just right look amazing on camera! Feeling fun? Pair pantyhose with rockin’ heels and a really amazing bra!
This year I’m really loving beautiful bodysuits of all styles! And i’m obsessed with strappy lingerie! So much fun! Victoria Secret has some really cool styles out this season you should check out here. Best part? The whole line is called Fearless!
Bring lots of varieties of shoes to your session! My favorites are for sure the pointy toes heels! I’m also into this whole high waisted trend! Pair them with a plain black bra to dress up something casual!
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